Many people focus on what they do and don’t eat. 

Mediterranean, paleo, keto… which diet is best? Gluten, dairy, carbs… what foods do I eliminate? Why am I eliminating these foods?

But have you ever stopped to consider HOW you eat. This is as important as the quality and quantity of food you are consuming. 


3-hourly is ideal. If you go too many hours without food your stress response will kick in, and these hormones will diminish your appetite. Unfortunately this results in going without food for hours then hunger swiftly kicking in often leading to poor food choices.


Shop at the local green grocer or farmers market and get your meals planned out for the week. Cook extra for the evening meals so you can take left overs to work for lunch. Stock up on fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, dates or even cut up veggie sticks. If healthy snacks are at your fingertips you will be less likely to make poor choices when hungry.


Cooking exposes you to smells, tastes and textures telling the brain that food is coming. The brain then signals to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) which then prepares itself for digestion. If your mouth is watering, then enzymes and other digestive juices are flowing further down the GIT too.


Eat in a relaxed environment with minimal distractions. Set the table, and sit down to your meals. Take your time to chew and digest your food. Slow down and enjoy the tastes.


Share your meals with others, and watch how much nicer mealtime is. The more relaxed you are the better your digestive system will work. It’s a great time for families to connect.

While the Easter weekend can be an exciting time to spend with your loved ones, it’s not the only time you can be doing so!

Why not celebrate food and mealtimes everyday these school holidays rather than just over the Easter weekend?

Why wait for special occasions to enjoy the joy of food?